NYC Condom Dispenser
Designer: Fuseproject
Finalist in Reasearch category, IDEA 2008
The New York City condom dispenser is exactly that, a condom dispenser found around New York City. There was an alarming rate of unprotected unwanted pregnancies and HIV infections in the city, so the NYC department of health and mental hygiene set out a way to combat this. Having these dispensers provide free NYC condoms to anybody, yes they are free. Designed by Fuseproject, the dispenser is supposed to be approachable and friendly, and was described as:
"Reminiscent of a condom shape warped into the surface of one's leather wallet, the NYC Condom Dispenser's approachable shape and friendly brand helps create an air of openness and acceptance, thus removing the stigma of the condom as something to be ashamed off." While dispensing condom's for free is by no means a new thing in NYC, the way that they have been dispensed will hopefully change with this new and improved dispenser. Previously you either had to go to a clinic to get the condoms of a fellow person, which could be embarrassing for some, and old dispensers are very uninviting.
Line: Smooth flowing lines, creating a feeling of warmth and a friendly feeling
Form: Bulbous, round with a dimple in the middle. This makes it look cute, and therefore harmless and friendly.
Form: The logo in the centre is fun and bold. The colours of the words 'condom' highlight the effect.
Contrast: The fun bold logo, compared to the friendly and warm shape of the dispenser.
Contrast: The bright, bold and fun colours of the logo, compared to the very neutral colours of the dispenser.
Contrast: The neutral boring colours, compared to the actual function of the dispenser.
Texture: The dispenser looks very shiny and smooth, it could be either metallic or plastic, yet it manages to still keep that warm feeling, not found in those materials.
Colour: The colour of the actual dispenser is very neutral, either a glossy black or a shiny silver. Both are not really colours but shades, and you would think it would not go well with the function of the dispenser. Warm, fun or bold colours would probably seem more effective, however I believe that if they had used such colours, it may have brought more attention to the dispenser, as someone uses it. This all of a sudden creates a feeling the user is being watched and would feel uncomfortable, regardless of the situation. I believe the netral colours to blend in with the background was genius.
References: Awards/gallery/2008/award details.asp?ID=35918331