Monday, September 10, 2012

Project 1 - Cormack Packaging

The idea behind my design was inspired by sugar dispensers which portion control. They are quite common at cafés and restaurants, but have also become more popular in households.

This idea was applied to powdered milk flavouring. With current milk flavouring, it is all pretty much the same. It comes in a container, usually a metal cylindrical tin, and you spoon the contents out into a cup then mix.

With my concept, you don’t need a spoon to get the contents out. You merely tip the container over like you are pouring, and the equivalent of one teaspoon will come out. One teaspoon is a good amount since that is what most people use when getting powdered flavouring out of a can.

Children tend to make a real mess when it comes to using these current tins. They open it messily, they get powder everywhere, they mix a wet spoon with the dry contents and they put way too much powder into their milk, or whatever fluid they are using.

The square shape was done because first of all, it made the alignment of the cup and funnel easier. The reason the funnel is on the side, rather than the middle, is that it allows more efficient use of the content inside, as it must be poured from that one side, and so it will gather around the cup effectively. Next it made it easier to hold on to, which is important for this package.  The square shape also means better use of materials, and more content in the package, which is good for the sustainability side, as well costs. It also helps with storage and transport, which is also very important to the previous mentioned things. The shape also helps with labelling, making it easier to read due to the flat surfaces. And finally it differentiates from the rest of the market. When kids see the different shape, they’ll be drawn to it, and parents will probably get it.

The package is made entirely of polypropylene. This means less sorting when the time comes for recycling; it also has good properties for the intended uses, it is good for food, it is tough, it can come in many colours saving on labelling, and it is recyclable. The product can also be re-used if it need be.

The disadvantages with this package are that it is a bit more complicated than current packages, and will probably cost more to manufacture. It is also restricted to how much it can hold, since a very large version will lose its effectiveness in pouring.


andrea said...

Your product looks great! i love the colour and the portion-control cap. The only thing i would work on are the graphics but great work :D

Stan Darmawan said...

It looks really nice, and I like how it's called YUMOO with the picture of a clueless cow drinking a glass of strawberry milk on the front view. I was going to say graphics need a bit more work, but somehow the more I see it the more I like it, and I'd totally buy it if it was sold in a supermarket!

Um, back to to the point...Design-wise, the one thing I'm unsure of is the 1-spoon-per-pour thing as it can be inconvenient for kids to having to constantly pull&pour. But overall, it's a great design and good job especially on the graphics on the packaging & the title!

Henry Treloar said...

Very cute graphics on the package. It really resonates in the children market. The poster style could use some work but overall a great job.

nbaroni said...

Product is a great idea designed appropriately for the demographic. The name YUMOO and its corresponding graphics are a good addition to the product making the product more desirable to kids. i would only comment on maybe a different layout for the posters visual pictures are nice but just colours in the background may overwhelm the page
good job

Gabriel Ly said...

Attempting to solve one of the most stupidest cans alive. I think you've done quite well, especially since i can see how the unit will work.
Just think the poster and graphics could be touched up a little.

Unknown said...

The idea is good; it has educational features as learn children new skills and how to be to be independent and cleanliness regime. Design is well balanced in terms of functionality and economical transport as well as recyclability, all made from one kind of plastic (polypropylene). Graphics are funny so attractive to kids. I am just worry if the measurement of powder will be always accurate, because powder likes absorb water, therefore, with time become sticky and the mechanism can become jammed. Yes, it is good work.